Page 24 - 2021 Annual Reportprint
P. 24

We will be needing to upgrade our water plants in the next few years.  This is in accordance with
        regulatory requirements as well as age, the plants are 34 years old.  Serious discussions are being held with
        the State as the State has continued to express concerns around our streams being compromised by the
        Town.  These streams have been used for 100 years by the Town and have been able to be filtered in order
        to provide safe, clean water and keep our reservoirs full during several years of drought.
        There have been some changes over the last year: we no longer hold a contract with Piscataqua for
        water and sewer, we now have one with H2O Innovation.  Andrew Vera has joined the water and sewer
        department.  Lisa Moore stepped down as commissioner and was replaced by Mark Vaillancourt.  Brittany
        Goulet is the chairperson.  Meetings have been both in person and virtual, and are open to the public.
        Please refer to posted agendas for access numbers as they are subject to change.

        There will be a rate increase for both sewer and water in order to attend to our aging and failing
        infrastructure as well as meeting cost of living increases.  We are pleased to say that there has not been a
        rate increase since 2016.

        2021 was a difficult year for all of us and we thank you for your continued support.
        The Brighton Water and Sewer Commission.
        Brittany Goulet - Chair - 2023     Ralph Wilkins - 2022      Mark Vaillancourt - 2022

                                    Auditors’ Report

          As auditors for the Town of Brighton, we have examined the accounts for the Town of Brighton for
          the period of January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.  Our findings are reported with each account we
          have listed in this town report..  We recommend the automation of all Town of Brighton accounting
          procedures as soon as possible so as to eliminate duplicate work that might introduce more possibility
          of error.
          Respectfully submitted,
          Board of Auditors,
           Jocelyne Gervais      Janet Osborne       Judith Castonguay

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