Page 27 - 2021 Annual Reportprint
P. 27

Water-Sewer Operations Account
                                         2021 Budget   2021 Actual   2022 Proposed
         Cash on hand (CNB Ckg. #......2601)   $11,046.02    $11,046.02    $681.56
         Water payments                   124,591.22    144,580.06    145,078.72
         Sewer payments                   124,591.22     38,759.63    145,078.72
            Interest earned                                 $6.18
            Bank Interest
         Refunds (Miscellaneous)                            51.95
         Total Income                    $260,228.46    $194,443.84    $290,839.00

         Contract Operations             $215,228.45    $162,541.32    $248,089.00
         Labor & Overtime                   1,000.00           -        1,000.00
         Administration                      500.00         76.00        500.00
         Utilities                          5,000.00      4,908.24      5,250.00
         Propane/Fuel                       5,500.00      2,607.18      4,500.00
         Vehicle Allowance                   500.00       1,532.45       500.00
         Maintenance & Supplies            13,000.00     11,508.83     13,000.00
         Line Maintenance                   5,500.00           -        5,500.00
         Chemicals                          6,000.00      8,134.64      7,000.00
         Truck Expenses                     7,500.00      2,997.63      5,000.00
         Miscellaneous                       500.00            -         500.00
         Total Expenses                  $260,228.45    $194,306.29    $290,839.00

                                 Water Sinking Fund

         CNB CD Acct #......8170
         Balance as of Jan. 1, 2021            $82,915.23
         Interest earned in 2021                 $324.00
         Balance as of Dec. 31, 2021                           $83,239.23
         PSB Savings Acct #......1260
         Balance as of January 1, 2021         $28,321.00
         Interest earned in 2021                  $25.03
         Balance as of Dec. 31, 2021                           $28,346.03
         Balance as of December 31, 2021                      $111,585.26

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