Page 22 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 22

We have seen quite an increase in “flushable” wipes and other nonflushable items trying to make their way
                 Hallack, Walter (Back St. - 05L / Curran
                 Ave. - 06L)                   Nevarez, Joel                         to the sewer treatment plant. Unfortunately, pumps are a casualty and as such we have increased the sewer
                                                                                     equipment line to $10,000. Please, only the three p’s: pee, poop and toilet paper.
                 Hannux, Richard               Nilsen, Christopher
                                                                                     We have received a forgivable loan (think grant that cannot be called a grant) up to $50,000 from the State
                 Hawes, Nancy                  O'Keefe, Michael                      to create an asset management program for the water system. This program will consolidate information,
                                                                                     help project budgetary needs and track department goals. A part of this program was the Gpsing of many
                 Hawkins, William               O'Keefe, William                     of the curbstops and valves seen painted around Town this past summer and there are many more yet to do.
                 Hinton, James                 Ogden, Danielle                       Also the Town received a $30,000 USDA Search grant to pay for the preliminary engineering necessary
                                                                                     to proceed with upgrades to the wastewater treatment facility and pumpstations. The Pleasant Street
                 Hobson, Margaret               Pinsonneault, Laurie                 pumpstation is on its last leg; therefore we have begun the process of replacing it sooner. We had hoped to
                                                                                     have already finished the project but are now shooting for this spring.
                 Honan, Christopher             Raboin, Robert
                 King, Lawrence                 Rego, Richard                        If Covid-19 was not enough, drought helped keep us busy as well. Actually, we have been experiencing
                                                                                     drought conditions over the past few years. And although the reservoirs remained full, we increased
                 King, Russell                  Ruiter, Shannon                      monitoring of our streams and modified our treatment rates. The Town is blessed to have two separate
                                                                                     water sources where we can alter filtration rates to match stream conditions and still meet the Town’s water
                 Kuczmarski, Thomas            Roberto, Joseph                       needs. Currently we are in some very serious discussions with the State as the State has some concern
                 Leighton, Leslie              Rogers, Michael                       over the streams being compromised by the Town’s use of the streams. Drought affects the wastewater
                                                                                     treatment plant as well as changes in flow conditions can cause biological upsets.
                 Lindquist, William            Rowe, John
                                                                                     Covid 19 has to be one of the biggest life changers any of us experienced in our lifetimes. It definitely
                 Little, Peter                 Santaw, Raymond                       has altered our ability to communicate in person and has made what were once simple tasks into time
                  Littlefield, Aldon           Schneider, Charles                    consuming chores. We have purposely avoided going into people’s homes. As such meter repairs are on
                                                                                     hold unless they are leaking. However, if you do have an emergency, please call the Town Clerks Office.
                  Malerba, James               Silas, Sharon
                                                                                     There have been some changes over the last year: Bruce Rolfe retired and was replaced by Zach
                 Maloney, Frank                Southerland, Melissa                  Letourneau. We wish them both well in their endeavors. Brittany Goulet filled the commissioner spot
                 Marcus, Catherine             Stacey, Stephen                       vacated by Butch Barney. Virtual replaced human contact. This has made meetings difficult but they are
                                                                                     accessible by phone and sometimes by computer. Meetings are open to the public. Please refer to posted
                 Marsden, Pauline (Estate)     Stone, Michelle (Estate of)           agendas for access numbers as they are subject to change.
                 Maxwell, Paul                 Telephone Operating Co.               During the past year we have repaired a dozen or so curbstops most of which were discovered as a result
                                                                                     of the aforementioned asset management program. A manhole on Pleasant St. was repaired, hopefully
                 McComisky, Robert              Thompson, William                    saving many shock absorbers and complaints. The sewer force main on Meadow St. showed signs of its
                 Messier, Rodney                                                     age in June when a stone managed to work its magic after forty-five years. It took a long day but the repair
                                                                                     was made with very little untreated sewage making its way to the river. Two water services were improved
                 Nash, Jessie (000TR7.02AR/000TR7.02BR)                              and a few leaks were found and repaired.
                 Toltal 2020 Delinquent Taxes               $104,987.51              Two small sewer mains took advantage of 2020. Paquette St. has a hole in it discovered after a back-up
                 Grand Toltal Delinquent Taxes as of                                 reported in March. We also discovered a hole in the sewer line behind the Town hall. It is expected that we
                 December 31, 2020                          $105,075.26              will be replacing the main this spring as multiple agencies are involved. This hole has also caused some
                                                                                     concern and prodding by the state to move forward on sludge removal at the WWTF. We have been putting
                                                                                     funds away for some time and will now start using them.
                  2020 Water and Sewer Commissioner’s Report
                                                                                     Regulatory sampling costs are expected to increase as more things to sample for are discovered. Although
        2020! Where to begin?  It seems the world is reeling from multiple attacks from multiple fronts   we met all parameters of PFOA testing required by the State in 2019, we were required to sample for
        and the department is finding things no different. Although many issues have arisen, many can be   PFOAs again in 2020. As before, this test should be good for three years. We will also be sampling more at
        attributed to our aging infrastructure and system. Pump stations are now 45 years old and failing, the   the WWTF as the result of the expected new NPDES permit.
        water plants are 33 years old and are in need as well. We have been working with the State for the
        last few years to put together the plans necessary to upgrade our infrastructure and that will also help   2020 was a hard year for the department, the Town, the State, the Nation, not to mention the World; we ask
        keep us in compliance with regulatory requirements. This has been an arduous task but there appears   for and appreciate your support. May thanks be to all!
        to be light at the end of the tunnel. However, that means we will be coming to you in the near future
        to pass a bond to pay for the upgrades. We also will be looking for grant programs that will help the   The Brighton Water and Sewer Commission.
        Town receive the best financing available. We ask for your support and understanding.
                                                                                     Lisa Moore - Chair - 2021    Ralph Wilkins – 2022    Brittany Goulet – 2023
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