Page 21 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 21

Statement of Taxes Raised  Statement of Delinquent Taxes
 Tax Rate  Grand List  Total Raised  Year  Beginning Bal.      Collected  Adjustment   as of 12/31/20
 Non-residential - School Tax   $1.5309    $958,259.90    $1,467,000.08   2019   $168,277.62    $(168,189.87)   $87.75
 Residential - School Tax   1.5493    433,406.00    $671,475.94   2020   $154,164.39    $(49,176.88)   $104,987.51
 Highway Tax   0.3451    1,393,425.50    $480,871.39   Total   $326,246.04    $(221,170.78)   $105,075.26
 Town Tax   0.4778    1,393,425.50    $665,765.66
 Local Agreement Tax   0.0057    1,393,425.50    $7,942.68   Delinquent Property Taxes
                                (As of Dec. 31, 2020)
 Late Homestead declaration penalty   90.00
 Total Tax   $3,293,145.75
                  Petruzzi, Peter
 Amount billed   3,293,145.75
                  Total 2019 Delinquent Taxes                                                 $87.75
 State (Hold-Harmless)   65,836.00
 Pilot Program (State)   6,775.00
                                                                2020 Delinquent Taxes
 Adjustment to billing   9,102.03
                  Alcantara, Kavika             Carbonara, Joseph
 Total to be collected   $3,374,858.78
                  Andrusviweicz, David          Clarke, Shane
 Collected  3,037,755.97
                  Auclair, James                Copp, Christopher
 State payment to the School  224,338.48
                  Ayotte, Gordon O.             Daniels, Ira
 Delinquent Taxes turned over   154,214.33
                  Bailey, Peter                 Davis, Devon
 Refunds/Overpayments   (40,823.76)
                  Baker, Douglas                Dittner, Daniel
 Total collected   $3,375,485.02
                  Basil, Philip                 Dwyer, Steven
                  Belmore, Richard              Eagle Spire Realty
                  Biggs, Betty                  Fairchild, Alan
 Tax Rate Breakdown  Bissonette, Steven         Fanning, Virginia
  Non-  Non-  Non-
 Resident  Resident  Resident Resident Resident  Resident  Bizzaro, Connie  Finn, Michael
                  Boisseau, Maurice             Franco, Michael
 2018  2018  2019  2019  2020  2020
                  Bone, Jamie                   Frechette, Normand
 Town  0.567  0.567  0.531  0.531  0.4778  0.4778
                  Bouchard, Meghan              Gerstel, David
 Highway  0.255  0.255  0.287  0.287  0.3451  0.3451
                  Boudreau, Robert              Ginsburg, Linda L.
 School  1.383  1.486  1.437  1.486  1.5493  1.5309
                  Brault, Donna    (00TR11 10R)  Goldbaltt, Ahnna
 Local Agreement Rate  0.005  0.005  0.006  0.006  0.0057  0.0057
                                                H & T LLC (00RRST.09R/00
 Total Tax Rate  2.21  2.295  2.26  2.309  2.3779  2.3595  RRST.18L/0SOUST.03L/00T
                  Brault, Donna    (00TR11 10RA)  R15.07A)
                  Brunoli, Shawn                Haberfield, David

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