Page 25 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 25

Water Department Proposed Budget  Sewer Department Proposed Budget
  2020 Budget   2020 Actual   2021 Proposed    2020 Budget    2020 Actual    2021 Proposed
 Income  Income
 Cash on hand: PSB Ckg. Acct.#......0072   $39,957.89    $39,957.89    $23,769.65
       Cash on hand: PSB Ckg.#......0073   $11,754.76    $11,754.76    $2,081.43
 Water Rents   249,688.27    265,981.94    259,104.49   Sewer rents   176,458.23   181,164.13    192,789.54
 Interest     200.00    221.83    200.00
       Miscellanous                                               30,000.00
 Sale of Materials   250.00    247.03    250.00   Interest from Delinquencies   100.00   39.65    100.00
 Camp Lease   600.00    600.00    600.00   Sewer permits   1,000.00    -      1,000.00
 New Connections   1,500.00    -      1,500.00
       Total Income                  189,312.99    192,958.54    225,970.97
 Refunds    570.00    30,000.00   Expenses
 Total Income   $292,766.16    $307,008.69    $315,424.14   Labor   700.00    $150.00    700.00
 Expenses  Commissioners stipend       3,000.00    3,000.00        3,000.00
 Labor   $1,000.00    373.18    $1,000.00   Town service fee   7,000.00    7,000.00    7,000.00
 Commissioners stipend   3,000.00    3,000.00    3,000.00   Insurance   1,062.00    967.00    1,062.00
 Insurance   2,475.00    2,438.00    2,475.00   Electricity   16,000.00    15,744.19    16,000.00
 Electricity   7,000.00    7,401.84    7,000.00   Equipment & Supplies   3,000.00    11,279.53    10,000.00
 Equipment purchase   5,000.00    5,000.00    5,000.00   Miscellaneous   1,200.00    1,696.30    1,200.00
 Equipment maintenance   1,000.00    139.97    1,000.00   Water Rent   400.00    400.00    400.00
 Equipment hire   6,500.00    2,040.00    6,500.00   Discharge Permit   750.00    235.00    750.00
 Tools   500.00    -      500.00   Sludge Removal Fund   10,000.00    1,000.00    10,000.00
 Paving   5,000.00    -      5,000.00   Contract Services   $5,000.00    4,666.86    $5,000.00
 Operating Supplies   6,000.00    3,394.04    6,000.00   Plant Operations   119,933.23    $119,933.23    124,591.21
 Legal Services   2,000.00    -      2,000.00   Capital Improvements (pump)   -
 Town service fee   8,500.00    8,500.00    8,500.00   Sewer capital account   5,000.00    5,000.00    5,000.00
 Advertising   200.00    -      200.00   Engineering Services   5,000.00    16,950.00    30,000.00
 Plant Operations   119,933.24    119,933.24    124,591.22   Plant Improvements   1,000.00    -      1,000.00
 Rent   1,500.00    1,500.00    1,500.00   Secretary/Minutes   425.00    425.00    425.00
 Miscellaneous   2,000.00    1,333.11    2,000.00   Bond payment (Dale Ave.)   9,842.76    2,430.00    9,842.76
 Bond payment - Vt Bond Bank   50,000.00    50,000.00    50,000.00   Total Expenses   $189,312.99    190,877.11    $225,970.97
 Bond payment - (Lakeshore Drive)   33,232.92    33,232.92    33,232.92
 Hydrant repair   5,000.00    -      5,000.00   Sewer Engineering Service Reserve Account
 Water testing   3,000.00    3,570.65    3,500.00   PSB Savings Acct #......1317
 Permit fees   2,000.00    1,628.82    2,000.00
 Reservoir Maintenance   10,000.00    10,000.00    10,000.00   Balance as of Jan. 1, 2020   $3,006.07
 Engineering Services   2,500.00    15,385.00    20,000.00   Interest earned in 2020   $3.06
 Building Maintenance   10,000.00    10,000.00    10,000.00   Balance as of December 31, 2020   $3,009.13
 Secretary/Minutes   425.00    425.00    425.00
 Reimbursement to sinking fund   5,000.00    5,000.00    5,000.00 Water Cap. Imp.-PSB Svg.#......0241
 Total Expenses   $292,766.16   284,295.77   $315,424.14
 24  Town of Brighton, VT                                  2020 Annual Report  25
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