Page 20 - Town of Brighton Annual Report 2023
P. 20

Water Department Proposed Budget

                                                         2023 Budget     2023 Actual         2024 Proposed
            Cash on hand: PSB Ckg. Acct.#......0072         $66,385.83     $66,385.83            $54,576.06
            Water Rents                                     323,565.74     323,670.47           $361,778.00
            Interest                                           200.00           55.40                200.00
            Sale of Materials                                  500.00          407.96                500.00
            Refunds                                                             22.00
            New Connections                                   2,000.00                             2,000.00
            Miscellaneous                                           -          396.79
            Reconnection Fee                                   250.00                                250.00
            Total Income                                   $392,901.57    $390,938.45           $419,304.06

            Labor                                           $12,000.00      12,150.00            $13,000.00
            Social Security                                   $918.00          918.00                    $-
            Commissioners stipend                             3,000.00       3,000.00              3,150.00
            Insurance                                         2,500.00       2,500.00              2,500.00
            Electricity                                       6,200.00       5,816.30              6,200.00
            Equipment purchase                               10,000.00      19,997.40              1,000.00
            Equipment maintenance                             1,000.00       1,914.14              1,000.00
            Equipment hire                                    8,000.00       3,380.00              8,000.00
            Tools                                              500.00               -                500.00
            Paving                                            5,000.00       2,574.83              5,000.00
            Operating Supplies                                5,000.00       8,772.09              9,000.00
            Legal Services                                    1,500.00              -              1,500.00
            Town service fee                                 11,000.00      11,000.00             11,000.00
            Advertising                                        200.00               -                200.00
            Plant Operations                                146,122.58     146,122.58            156,913.07
            Rent                                              1,000.00       1,000.00              1,000.00
            Miscellaneous                                     2,000.00          14.00              1,000.00
            Bond payment - Vt Bond Bank                      44,603.61              -                     -
            Bond payment - (Lakeshore Drive)                 33,232.92      33,232.92             33,232.92
            Hydrant repair                                    8,000.00              -              8,000.00
            Water testing                                     2,500.00       3,580.00              4,000.00
            Permit fees                                       2,000.00       2,644.45              2,700.00
            Reservoir Maintenance                            10,000.00      10,000.00             15,000.00
            Engineering Services                             15,000.00       4,858.00             15,000.00
            Reimbursement to sinking fund                           -               -                     -
            Building Maintenance                             10,000.00      10,000.00             10,000.00
            Truck Reserve Fund                               10,000.00      12,325.38             12,325.38
            Infrastructure Improvement Fund                  40,000.00      40,000.00             40,000.00
            Secretary/Minutes                                  425.00          425.00                425.00
            Total Expenses                                 $391,702.11    $336,225.09           $361,646.37

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