Page 19 - Town of Brighton Annual Report 2023
P. 19

Delinquent Property Taxes

                                                         (As of Dec. 31, 2023)
                   Alcantara, Kavika                                 Maxwell, Brian (000TR7.02DR)
                   Angel Above Realty                                Maxwell, Brian (RT105E.02L)
                   Bailey, Peter                                     Maxwell, Brian (00TR18.06L)
                   Barbaso William                                   Maxwell, Brian (0DERST.39R)
                   Bouchard, Meaghan (Rt114S.02AL)                   Means, Patricia
                   Bouchard, Meaghan (Rt114S.02BL)                   Mitchell, George (00MTST.21R)
                   Bouchard, Meaghan (Rt114S.03L)                    Mitchell, George (00MTST.24A)
                   Boudreau, Robert                                  Nash, Jesse
                   Boutin, Donald                                    O’Keefe, Michael
                   Brattesani, David                                 Orlowski, Alexander
                   Brault, Donna (00TR11.10R)                        Ouimet, Michael F.
                   Brault, Donna (00TR11.10RA)                       Phelps, Keith & Maria
                   Brunoli, Shawn                                    Pierce, Kellie
                   Buchman, Avery Scott                              Pinsonneault, Laurie
                   Costa, David                                      Popinko, Noreen
                   Dittner, Danny                                    Reutter, Shanon
                   Eagle Spire Realty                                Rimi, Frank
                   Evans, Jason                                      Roberto, Joseph
                   Felguth, Arnette                                  Rowe, John
                   Finn, Michael                                     Santaw, Raymond
                   Franklin, Pamela                                  Shaw, Justin
                   Gerstel, David                                    Sims, Philip
                   Ginsburg, Linda                                   Ste. Marie, Peter
                   Kertenis, Jason                                   Stacey, Stephen
                   King, Russell                                     Stone, Michelle (Est)
                   Kinney, Catherine                                 Storer Family Trust (0TR5HP.01R)
                   Little, Peter                                     Storer Family Trust (0TR5HP.03L)
                   Marsden, Pauline (Est) (2021/2022/2023)           Ubelhoer, Damian

                                                                      Grand Total Delinquent Taxes as of
                                                                       December 31, 2023:                $87,745.18

                                        Wastewater Facility Upgrade Account
                     CNB CHECKING ACCT#......1701

                     Account Opened November 30, 2023                                                  $500.00
                     Interest earned in 2023                                          $0.08
                     Balance as of December 31, 2023                                                    $500.08

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