Page 30 - Town of Brighton Annual Report 2023
P. 30

Paving Project Account

               CNB Preferred Savings Acct #......7718
               Balance as of January 1, 2023                                                $40,057.56
               Interest earned in 2023                                          $19.84
               Total Revenues in 2023                                                           $19.84

               Transfer to Gen. Acct #5213 to cover expenses
                 for Fitzgerald Ave. /Lake St. project                     $(23,449.50)

               Total Expenses in 2023                                                      $(23,449.50)

               Balance as of December 31, 2023                                               $16,627.90

                                              Sidewalk Account

               CNB Preferred Savings Acct #......4818
               Balance as of January 1, 2023                                                 $40,062.88
               Interest earned in 2023                                          $19.92
               2023 Town Appropriation                                        $5,000.00
               Revenue as of December 31, 2023                                                $5,019.92
               Transfer to Gen Acct#  5213 to cover expenses
                   on Pleasant Street Project                              $(18,619.63)
               Expenses as of December 31, 2023                                            $(18,619.63)
               BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2023                                               $26,463.17

                                          Miller Building Account

               PSB Savings Acct. #......1192
               Account Balance January 1, 2023                                             $203,243.51
               Interest earned in 2023                                          $19.68
               Repayment of loan to Gen. Acct  # 5213                       $200,000.00
               Total Revenues for 2023                                                      $200,019.68
               Loan to Gereral Acct #5213 to cover expenses in
                  lieu of taxes                                            $(200,000.00)
               Total Expenes in 2023                                                      $(200,000.00)
               Balance as of December 31, 2023                                              $203,263.19

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