Page 26 - Town of Brighton Annual Report 2023
P. 26

Miscellaneous Funds

                                                ARPA FUNDS

              CNB CHECKING ACCT#......6901
              BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2023                                                 $222,315.33
              Interest earned in 2023                                         $76.94

              Total Revenues for 2023                                                            $76.94
              Transferred to Acct.#.....5213                                                $(222,392.27)
              Balance as of December 31, 2023                                                      0.00
                                          Brighton Culvert Fund

              PSB Savings Acct #......0942
              Balance as of Jan. 1, 2023                                                      $11,645.53

              Interest earned in 2023                                           $9.32
              Balance as of December 31, 2023                                                 $11,654.85

                        Better Connections Grant Match Reserve Account

              PSB Savings Acct #......1316
              Balance as of January 1, 2023                                                   $7,535.37
              Interest earned in 2023                                           $6.03
              Balance as of December 31, 2023                                                 $7,541.40
                                      Brighton Ambulance Account

              CNB Ckg Acct. #......9701

              Balance as of January 1,  2023                                                    $157.23
              Funds transferred to Gen. Acct# 5213                           $(157.23)
              ACCOUNT CLOSED ON DEC. 26, 2023                                                        $-

                                    Building Paint Reserve Account

              PSB SAVINGS ACCT#...1064
              BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2023                                                  $35,016.14
              Interest earned in 2023                                          $28.10
              2023 Appropriations                                           $10,000.00
              Total Revenues for 2023                                                        $10,028.10
              BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2023                                                $45,044.24

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