Page 55 - 2021 Annual Reportprint
P. 55
MARCH 1, 2021
The legal voters of the Town of Brighton met on Monday, March 1’st, 2021 at 7:20 PM via electronic
means to transact the following business:
Michael Strait, acting moderator called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM and explained the guidelines for
communicating virtually to those who participated.
Michael read the following Articles and explained that all Articles would be voted on by Australian Ballot
on March 2, 2021, at the Brighton Town Hall, 49 Mill Street Extension, Island Pond, Vermont and that
the polls would be open from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
1. To elect the following Town and Water System Officers: Moderator, Delinquent Tax Collector all
for a one-year term. One Water Commissioner, one Cemetery Commissioner, one Select Board
member, two Listers, one Auditor, one Town Clerk, one Treasurer, all for a three-year term. One
Library Trustee for a 5-year term, and one Library Trustee for the remaining 4-year term of a
resignation from office.
2. To elect the following School District officers: One Moderator for a one-year term. One school
director for a two-year term. One School Director to serve the remaining two years of a three-
year term due to a resignation. One School Treasurer and one School Director for a three-year
3. Shall the voters authorize total fund expenditures for operating expenses of $1,437,975.83, of
which $969,783.94 shall be raised by taxes and $468,191.89 by non-tax revenues?
Michael asked if there were any questions or comments.
Paul Greenier, representative of Efficiency Vermont, said that Island Pond was one of the Towns chosen
to benefit from Efficiency Vermont. The municipal office, town garage, a church and some businesses all
got upgraded with LED lights through this program. Unfortunately, they were not able fulfill all of their
plans in reaching out to the community because of COVID. They hope to be able to reach out to more
people this year. Information about this program can be found on page 43 of the Town of Brighton’s
Annual Report for the year ending 2020.
Meagan, from the Chronicle, asked how many people attended this meeting. At one point there were 37
Meagan also asked what non-tax revenues help cover the town’s operating expenses. Joel Cope
explained that income from dog licenses, miscellaneous money from State grants and delinquent tax
revenues are examples of non-tax revenues.
2021 Annual Report 55