Page 53 - 2021 Annual Reportprint
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Communications Union District Annual Report for 2021
            We are excited to share the progress we’ve made towards bringing high-speed  Who We Are:
            internet to the 50 member towns of NEK Broadband. Our pilot project in Concord,  A Communications Union
            Waterford and Lunenburg will offer 100 Mbps symmetrical service or higher to 342  District (CUD) is a municipal
            addresses in late 2021 and early 2022. We’ve received additional state and federal  entity made up of multiple
            grant funding and are finalizing plans for a full-length construction season beginning  towns. Our district is building
            the spring of 2022.                          fiber-optic based internet
                                                         access that has a capacity far
            The organization has matured with the addition of three key partners. The National  beyond most current services
            Rural  Telecommunications  Cooperative  (NRTC)  is  experienced  in  design,  available. Each town appoints
            construction management, and materials procurement. Waitsfield Champlain Valley  at least one representative to
            Telecom (WCVT) will be our network operator and internet service provider. WCVT  our Governing Board, which
            brings over a century of experience in telecommunications and provides all the  has chosen to develop a
            modern services customers expect. Mission Broadband serves as an advisor and  publicly-owned network.
            adjunct staff.
            Member Towns: All but these five towns in the Northeast Kingdom (Caledonia, Essex and Orleans counties) have joined
            the district: Granby, Jay, Lemington, Norton, Victory. Wolcott in Lamoille county is also a member.
            Project Plans: The overall project will require roughly $140 million and take at least five years to complete. Funding will
            be through grants and municipal revenue bonds, as well as income from subscribers. The team is establishing technical
            standards as well as analysis of all locations and their current internet access. Utility pole surveys are in progress, fiber
            optic cable has been ordered, and we will be ready to continue construction in the spring of 2022.
            Grants Received: NEK Broadband has received three different federal grants totalling $1,045,000 for the
            Concord-Lunenburg-Waterford project, which began construction in November, 2021. We have been awarded almost $7
            million for designing the entire network, hiring additional staff and preparing for the 2022 construction season. Smaller
            grants were received from Vermont Community Foundation, Northeastern Vermont Development Association, Northern
            Community Investment Corporation, and Northern Enterprises.
            Obligations: Community National Bank Letter of Credit ($3.5 million); Northern Enterprises loan ($80,000)
            Respectfully,                  Residents can sign up to receive regular general updates
                                            and, in the future, information about when service will be
                                                  available at specific locations at:
            Evan Carlson, Board Chair, Sutton Representative
            NEK Broadband
             Budget Summary
             2021 Budget to Actual (Projected)  2022 Proposed Budget
                             Budget  Actual  Projected Surplus from 2021  $788,835
             Total Income     $93,700  $3,087,767  Grants        $25,000,000
             Total Expenses   $90,350  $1,353,932  Net Operations Revenue  -$52,900
             Total Capital Investment  $5,360,000  $945,000  Total Income  $25,735,935
             Annual Net Cash Flow    $788,835  Administrative Costs  $495,000
                                             (Pre) Construction Costs  $25,000,000
                                             Total Spending      $25,495,000

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