Page 44 - 2021 Annual Reportprint
P. 44

Cemetery Report
         CNB Checking Acct #......5801
         Balance as of Jan. 1, 2021                                   $924.65
         Putnam Fund dividends                         $295.08
         Wellington Fund dividends                     $997.33
         Sale of lots and markers                    $1,300.00
         Burial reimbursement fund                     $850.00
         Transfer from CD# 4870                      $5,000.00
         Transfer Cemetary Reserve                   $1,000.00
         Voided check-redeposited                      $150.00
         Total Revenues as of Dec. 31, 2021                         $10,592.41

         Maintenance                                $(6,500.00)
         Preparation of burial lots                 $(2,225.00)
         Supplies                                     $(503.14)
         Purchased Returned plot                     $(400.00)
         Commissioners stipend                        $(600.00)
         Total Expenses as of Dec. 31, 2021                        $(10,528.14)

         Balance as of December 31, 2021                              $988.92

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