Page 42 - 2021 Annual Reportprint
P. 42

Brighton Library Report
          CNB Checking Acct #......1601
          Balance as of Jan. 1, 2021                                $25,951.65
          Turrell Fund Grant                          $6,500.00
          Norton,Charleston, UTG Appropriations       $1,200.00
          Town of Brighton Appropriations             $13,770.00
          Donations                                   $1,050.00
          Grants                                      $5,466.75
          Total Income for 2021                                     $27,986.75
          Books                                      $(4,516.50)
          Newspapers/magazines                         $(485.90)
          Programs                                   $(2,737.39)
          Software                                     $(216.00)
          World Books                                $(1,137.65)
          Equipment Purchase/Repair                  $(2,874.30)
          Cleaning                                   $(3,710.00)
          Office supplies                              $(706.52)
          Turrell Fund                               $(3,484.51)
          Telephone                                    $(888.66)
          Miscellaneous                                $(24.00)
          Computer/grant                             $(4,469.23)
          Total Expenses for 2021                                  $(25,250.66)
          Balance as of December 31, 2021                           $28,687.74

                          Gladys Brooks Foundation Grant Report
           PSB CD Acct. #......0020
           Balance as of Jan. 1, 2021               $40,023.79
           Interest earned                            280.09
           Balance as of Dec. 31, 2021                             $40,303.88
           Transfer to PSB Chg Acct # …0112                         (280.09)
           Balance CD Acct as of 12/31/2021                        $40,023.79

           PSB Chkg. Acct. #......0112
           Balance as of Jan. 1, 2021               $2,277.65
           Transfer from PSB CD #......0020           280.09
           Balance as of Dec. 31, 2021                             $2,557.74

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