What’s Happening In Brighton?

June, 2024

It’s been a busy spring/early summer, and the Town of Brighton has some exciting projects in the works. Learn more.


April 2024

Check out our first newsletter! We’ll keep you updated on town events, projects, and more.

January 2024

Did Someone Say “Free College Tuition”?!

This is big. Vermont State University recently announced that, starting in Fall of 2024, eligible Vermonters will be able to attend VSU tuition-free. This incentive is open to:

  • Vermont residents of any age enrolling as new students in degree programs in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 
  • Students working towards their initial undergraduate degree (those with previous bachelor’s degrees do not qualify)
  • Students (or student’s family) with an adjusted gross income of $50,000 or less, as reflected on their FAFSA.

*Engineering and Technology; Nursing and Respiratory Therapy; and Dental and Radiologic not covered by this program – but that leaves a whole lot of options for students!

Earning a college degree is often cost-prohibitive, especially for folks in the Northeast Kingdom. With this program, you (and/or your children) can access a high quality education in an affordable way. Learn more. 


Community Gathering & Building Community with Local Business UPDATE

Hi folks. In December 2023, we held two special meetings – a general community gathering and a business-oriented session focusing on the future of our town. These are important discussions… and they will be ongoing! For now, catch up on the conversation.  

2023 Community Meeting Minutes/Notes

2023 Community Building with Local Businesses Minutes/Notes

We look forward to many more productive meetings – and to hearing YOUR voice. 


Brighton Water Department: Service Line Inventory

Municipalities around Vermont are required to conduct a “Service Line Inventory” for ALL connections by October 2024.

What does this mean for you, the customer? 

It means calling and setting up a date for us to enter your residence receiving service. Then we will document the line material coming into the residence and the material plumbed inside the residence. 

Each appointment should take just 5-10 minutes. There will be five appointment windows per day (9am – 3pm Monday – Friday). To schedule your appointment, call:

Zack Letourneau @ (802) 673-2542 or Andrew Vera @ (802) 323-6080.

Note: Customers who do not reach out will be contacted by the Water Department. Again, this Inventory is required by law so we need to make sure we reach everyone. We ask, however, that you call and schedule a window as soon as you can. Thank you!


Brighton Recreation First Day Adventure