Page 7 - 2022 Annual Report
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Town of Brighton
                     WARNING FOR ANNUAL TOWN MEETING 2023

       The legal voters for the Town of Brighton and the Brighton Water System are hereby warned and
       notified to meet at the Town Hall in Island Pond at 49 Mill Street Ext. on Tuesday, March 7, 2023,
       from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM to transact the following business by Australian Ballot:
       1. To elect the following Town and Water System Officers: A Moderator and Delinquent Tax
       Collector, and One Select Board member for a one-year term. One Cemetery Commissioner, One
       Select Board member, One Water Commissioner, one Lister and one Auditor for a three-year term.
       2. To elect the following School District officers: A Moderator for a one-year term. One School board
       member for two-year term, and on NCUHS School Director for the remaining two-year term.
       3. Shall the voters approve borrowing an amount not to exceed $400,000 over ten years for the
       purchase of a road grader?
       4. Shall the Town authorize cannabis retailers and retail portions in integrated licensee operations in
       town pursuant to 7 V.S.A. Section 863?

       The following articles are to be considered at the business meeting portion of the Annual Town
       Meeting, to be conducted on Monday, March 6, 2023, at 7:30 P.M. in the town hall:
       4.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
       5.  To hear the reports of the town officers for the past year and to take action thereon.
       6.  To hear the report of the Water Commissioners for the past year and to take action thereon.
       7.  To see if the voters shall fix the number of installments and the payment due dates for the
       collection of taxes as authorized in Title 32, V.S.A. Section 4872.  Recommended payments to be due
       on August 19, September 19, and November 19.
       8.  To see if the voters shall authorize collection of 2023 taxes through the treasurer as provided for in
       Title 32, V.S.A. Sections 4792 and 4793.
       9. Shall the Town of Brighton appropriate the sum of $1,000 to Green Mountain Farm-to-School, Inc.
       to support the Brighton School Garden and Farm-to-School Program?
       10. Shall the voters authorize the Selectboard to appoint a town clerk as provided in 17 V.S.A. §
       11. Shall the voters authorize the Selectboard to appoint a town treasurer as provided in 17 V.S.A. §
       12. Shall the town provide notice of the availability of the annual report by publishing notice of the
       availability in the newspaper of record, by posting the notice around town and on the town website at
       least 30 days before the annual meeting instead of mailing or otherwise distributing the report to the
       voters of the town pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1682(a)?
       14. Shall the voters authorize total fund expenditures for operating expenses of $1,603,527.66, of
       which $1,185,450.95 shall be raised by taxes and $418,076.71 by non-tax revenues?
       15. To transact any other non-binding business that may legally come before this meeting.

       Dated at Brighton, County of Essex and State of Vermont, this 1st day of February, 2023.
                             BRIGHTON SELECTBOARD
             Jeanne Gervais, Chair ‘23    Heather McElroy ‘25   Stacey Roese ‘23

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