Page 36 - 2021 Annual Reportprint
P. 36

Heavy Equipment Fund
            PSB CD #......0943/4977
            Balance as of Jan 1, 2021                             $10,153.93
            Interest earned in 2021                   $29.12
            Balance as of Dec. 16, 2021                            $10,183.05
            Maturity Reinvestment                                $(10,183.05)

            PSB CD #......5264
            Balance as of Dec 16, 2021                            $10,183.05
            Interest earned in 2021                    $0.89
            Balance as of Dec. 31, 2021                            $10,183.94
                                Miller Building Account
            PSB Savings Acct. #......1192
            Account Balance January 1, 2021                    $203,129.44
            Interest earned                               $71.60
            Repayment of Funds Transferred to Gen. Acct  # 5213  $190,000.00
            Total Income as of Dec. 31, 2021                        $190,071.60
            Transfer to Gereral Acct #5213 to cover expenses   ($190,000.00)
               in lieu of tax revenue
            Total Expenes                                         ($190,000.00)
            Balance as of December 31, 2021                        $203,201.04
                               Infrastructure Reserve Funds
            PSB Savings Acct #......1315
            Balance as of January 1, 2021                          $100,137.29
            Interest earned in 2021                    $88.55
            DEPOSIT from General ACCT # …5213       $25,000.00
            Revenues  as of Dec. 31, 2021                          $25,088.55
            Balance as of December 31, 2021                        $125,225.84
                              Building Paint Reserve Account
            PSB Savings Acct #......1064
            Account Opened on December 29, 2021     $20,000.00
            Balance as of December 31, 2021                         $20,000.00
                                Heating System Reserve Account
              PSB Savings Acct #......1067
              Account Opened on December 29, 2021     $10,000.00
              Balance as of December 31, 2021                         $10,000.00

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