Page 6 - 2020 Annual Report
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Town of Brighton
           Water Equipment Reserve Fund                                   29
                                                                                                     WARNING FOR ANNUAL TOWN MEETING 2021
           Water Reservoir Maintenance Account                            28
           Water Sinking Fund                                             26
                                                                                       The legal voters for the Town of Brighton and the Brighton Water System are hereby warned
        Water-Sewer Accounts
                                                                                       and notified to meet at the Town Hall in Island Pond at 49 Mill Street Ext. on Tuesday,
          Delinquent Water & Sewer Users                                  30           March 2, 2021, from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM to transact the following business by Australian
          Water-Sewer Commissioners’ Report                               22           Ballot:
          Water-Sewer Operations Account                                  26
                                                                                       1.     To elect the following Town and Water System Officers: Moderator, Delinquent
                                                                                       Tax Collector all for a one-year term. One Water Commissioner, one Cemetery Commis-
                              Community Information                                    sioner, one Select Board member, two Listers, one Auditor, one Town Clerk, one Treasurer,
                                                                                       all for a three-year term. One Library Trustee for a 5-year term, and one Library Trustee for
         Monday, March 1, 2021 -                                                       the remaining 4-year term of a resignation from office.
         School and Town Informational Meetings     -   Via Zoom Videoconference:
                                             School Meeting at 7:00 PM
                                             Town Business Meeting at 7:30 PM          2.     To elect the following School District officers: One Moderator for a one-year term.
         Tuesday, March 3, 2021 -                                                      One school director for a two-year term. One school director to serve the remaining two
         Town Meeting Elections    -          Brighton Municipal Building:             years of a three-year term due to a resignation.  One School Treasurer and one School Direc-
                                             9:00AM to 7:00 PM                         tor for a three-year term.
         Thursday, April 1, 2021 - Last day to license dogs
                                   General Information                                 3. Shall the voters authorize total fund expenditures for operating expenses of $1,437,975.83,
         Date of Charter:  August 31, 1781                                             of which $969,783.94 shall be raised by taxes and $468,191.89 by non-tax revenues?
         Population:   1,222 (per 2010 Census Records)
         Size:  34,368 acres
         2020 Educational Grand list:  $ 1,391,665.90                                  Dated at Brighton, County of Essex and State of Vermont, this 20th day of January, 2021.
         2020 Municipal Grand List:  $ 1,393,425.50
                                 Town Clerk Office Hours                                                     BRIGHTON SELECTBOARD
                         Monday through Friday  -  8:00 AM to 3:30 PM
                                                                                             Michael Strait, Chair ‘21                 Jeanne Gervais ‘23       Heather McElroy ‘22
                              Brighton Recycle Center Hours
                          Saturday and Monday – 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

                                                                                         School & Town of Brighton Informational Meeting
                                                                                                      Time: Mar 1, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time

                                                                                                      Join Zoom Meeting via Tablet or Computer

                                  Brighton Selectboard                                                To Join via Telephone, Dial Either Number
            Teresa DeBonville   Heather McElroy, Michael Strait   Joel Cope                                    (929) 205-6099 or (301) 715-8592
              Town Clerk &           Jeanne Gervais        Town & Zoning                                 Enter Meeting ID: 927 7745 7796
                Treasurer                                   Administrator

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